Study/English Expression

[영어 일상 표현] Speak 스픽 문장 연습, 일상 회화, 일상 언어, 영어 문장

Juzero 2020. 3. 17. 21:10

영어 면접 준비를 위해 구독 시작했던 어플인데,
내가 직접 말하는 연습량이나 유용한 문장이 많아서 면접 후에도 계속 이용중!

오늘부터 배웠던 문장 기록하기

What are you up to this weekend?
Do you want to do something this weekend?

나 -해

I am free all weekend.
I might go to the beach on Saturday.
I am going away for the weekend.

I would love to, but i am going to be out of town.
I am busy this weekend. How about some other times?


Where did you grew up?
I grew up in Korea.
I was bought up in Korea.
I was raised by my mother.

과거에 뭐했어?
What did you use to do for fun in college?
I used to go the beach.
I used to eat a lot of chocolate.

특히 , 많은 것 중에 하나를 지목
특별히 , 특별한 목적으로

I would often go to the library on weekends.
I would sometimes go jogging at night.



~ 해본 적 있어?

1) ever : 한 번이라도라는 의미를 쓸 때

Have you ever been to Korea?

Have you ever seen a Korean movie?

Have you ever tried Kimchi?


2) Did you : 어느 시점에 뭘 했는지 물을 때

Did you go to Korea last year?

Did you have birthday party last year?



No, I haven't had a chance.


Yes, I've been to Korea several times.

Yes, I've seen an Indian movie once.



주말 어땠어?

How was your weekend?


주말 표현

I had a quiet weekend.

I had a fun weekend.

I had a amazing weekend.

I had a busy weekend.


I spent most of the weekend cleaning the house.

I spent most of the weeked lying on the bed.

I spent most of the weeked doing speaking practice.




저희 몇 명 예약했어요.

We have a reservation for four people.

We have a reservation for four people under Kate.


빈자리 있나요?

Hello. Do you have a table free?


앉혀줄 수 있을까요?

Hi. Can you fit us in?


Hi, Are you ready to order?


준비가 되었음!

Yes. We are ready to order.

We are ready to pay.

We are ready to order drinks.


준비 안되었음!

No, We are not ready to order yet.


좀 더 시간을 주세요.

Could you give us a few more minutes, please?


새 포크 주세요.

Could you give me a new spoon, please?

Can I get a new fork, please?



Could I have another plate, please?

Could I have a glass of water, please?

Could I get a bottle of wine, please?


코스 요리 주문하기( Appetizier / Entree / Dessert )

For appetizier, I will have the soup.

For entree, I will have the steak.

For entree, I will have the salmon salad.

For dessert, I will have the ice cream.


계산서 요청하기

Could we have the check, please?

Could we have the bill, please?


문제 해결하기

I think there is a mistake with the check.

I think there is a mistake with our order. 


수입에 관련된 표현

He made a lot of money from real estate.

She made some money from the YouTube channel.

I made some money from stock market.


I didn't make any money from real estate.


월급을 받다

I get paid on the 10th of every month.

I get paid for making video.

I get paid for writing articles.

I get paid for working overtime.


지출에 관련된 표현
I spend most of my money on rent.
I occasionally treat myself to new clothes.

돈이 넉넉하지 않을 때
I can’t afford to go out for a drink.

I can’t afford a vacation.

그럭저럭 -해
I can manage to get by on my wages.
I can manage to cook.



1. 저축에 관련된 표현

save up : (무언가를 사기 위해) 저축하다


I'm saving up for a new car.

I'm saving up for a vacation.

I'm saving up for a new phone. 

I'm saving up to buy a new car.


2. 주기적 저축 금액

put aside : 저축하다.


I put aside two hundred dollars a month.

I put some money aside for my retirement.

I put aside a hundres dollars a month.


3. 어떤 몸매를 만들다. 

I really wanna get in shape.

I really wanna get toned.

I really wanna get ripped.


4. 살 빼는 게 필요해

could do with : ~가 꼭 필요해.

ex) I could do with a big glass of water.

I could do with more sleep.


I could do with losing weight.


5. 운동

have been -ing : 과거로부터 쭈욱 해왔다.


I've been working out at the gym.

I've been walking to work.

I've been joggin in the park.


6. 헬스장 운동

나는 -운동을 많이 해.

I do a lot of cardio.

I do a lot of stretching.

I do a lot of pull-ups.

I do a lot of weight tranning.


나는 -을 한 시간 동안 타.

I go on the treadmill for an hour.


오늘부터는 구동사!




Make up

1. 차지하다.

Cleaning the house makes up most of my day.

Writing essays makes up most of my week.

Working out in the gym makes up most of my day.


2. Make up one's mind : ~의 마음을 정하다.

I already made up my mind about the plan.

Please make up your mind. 

I made my mind up about Steve. 

I've made up my mind to quit my job.


3. 보충하다.

We need to make up the lost time.

I had to make up the time at work becase I left an hour early yesterday.

I missed a class yesterday so I'm going to make it up next week.

The teacher made the class up.

We have to make up the lost time.

We have to make up the class we missed.


4. 어떤 숫자나 양을 채우기 위해 무언가가 더 필요하다.

We need one more player to make up the team.

Can I pay you 10$ today and make up the rest tomorrow?

How can we make up the money we need?

I need two more stickers to make up the full steps.

We need 100$ dollars more to make up the difference.


Make off(목적어가 없는 구동사)


1. 어떤 나쁜 일을 한 후에 다음에 바로 그 곳을 떠난다. 도망치다.

The students made off when the teacher came in.

The children made of after breaking a window.

The teenagers made off after stealing from the candy store.

The protesters made off when the police arrived.

The students made off when the parents arrived. 


2. Make off of : ~으로 돈을 벌다.

I made money off of YouTube.

How much did you make off of that?

What did you make off of Bitcoin?



Make away


1. 급하게 도망가다. 달아나다.

The children make away after breaking the window.

The thieves made away with one million dollars.

Some guests made away with knives and forks.


2. 무엇을 소모하다. 제거하다. 없어지게 하다. 해치우다.

They made away with all the sandwiches.

We decided to make away with the old house.

Amazon made away with its competitors.



Take up 


1. 어떤 취미활동을 제대로 하기 시작하다. 

I decided to take up cooking. 

My friends and I took up yoga together.

I want to take up golf.

I want to take up dancing.



2. 차지하다.

This table makes up so much space.

Doing homework takes up too much time.

This sofa takes up too much space in the room.

Cooking takes up a lot of time in the evening.


3. 어떤 도전이나 제안을 받아들이다.

I took up the company's offer.

Jack took up a new job in Korea.


4. Take ___ up with : 무언가에 항의하다. 

I'm going to take it up with the manager.

I'm going to take this up with the teacher.