Study/English Essay 14

KT, SKT, LGU+, 카카오, 네이버의 매출 구성 정리

통신 3사, 카카오, 네이버의 2010년부터 2019년까지의 매출 구성, 영업이익, 당기순이익을 정리한 엑셀 자료이다. 최근 몇 년 전부터 통신 3사는 통신회사를 벗어나 ICT 기술 회사로 변모하려 발돋움하고 있다. 특히 그 중에서도 SKT가 눈에 띄는데, 통신회사가 AI 반도체를 만들고 아마존과 협력을 하고, WAVVE를 통해 콘텐츠 시장에 진입하는 등 많은 변화가 있었다. 카카오와 네이버도 단순히 높은 트래픽을 기반한 광고 수익을 넘어서 쇼핑, 콘텐츠, 모빌리티 등의 영역으로 넓혀가고 있다. 매출 구성의 변화는 이러한 변화를 실제 데이터로 증명하고 있다. 자료출처: - 각 회사 홈페이지의 사업보고서, IR 자료 등 - 전자공시시스템(

Study/English Essay 2020.12.09

세계 주요 국가, 기업 AI 윤리 원칙, 헌장 (AI principle or ethics of countries and companies)

AI ethics List AI principle Governments or Organization 1. OECD Ÿ AI Recommendation Ÿ Artificial Intelligence in Society Report: Website:

Study/English Essay 2020.10.24

Summarizing of DICT to ramp up internet connectivity in the Philippines

Summarizing of DICT to ramp up internet connectivity in the Philippines The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) recently announced a plan for a government-owned national fibre-optic network through the National Broadband Program (NBP) regarding improving telecommunications and internet connectivity in the Philippines. The NBP is part of DICT’s Connect-Connect-Connect i..

Study/English Essay 2020.10.07

Seven sector of Blockchain Policy & Busan Blockchain regulation free special zone

Blockchain in seven sectors Sector Key Contents Related ministries Online Voting Build a blockchain-based online voting system for improving trust of online voting and ensuring secret voting. National Election Commission, Ministry of Science and ICT Donation Store the transparent data of entire donation process on blockchains from fundraising to donation delivery Ministry of Science and ICT Soci..

Study/English Essay 2020.10.07

A partial summary of Policy Proposal of the Korea Communications Commissions mid- to long-term broadcasting system improvement

Policy Goals of Major Medium and Long-Term Broadcasting Policy in Korea ■ A Report on the Development of Public Service Broadcasting System in 1994 Independence from politics Prevent abuse as a tool for private profit-seeking Secure autonomy from internal and external pressures Efforts to narrow the gap between regions and strata Characterization of intermedia and inter-channel Guarantee of the ..

Study/English Essay 2020.10.07