Career/Articles 47

8 Things I wish I knew at 27, and why it's not too late to pursue your dreams at 57

First, a note of caution here. There is so much advice, life tips, and even success or "money-making secrets" out there. It's therefore important that you do not listen to too much advice. That is because most people, including me, give advice based on what has happened in their own lives, and this does mean that the same outcomes would apply in your situations in life and living. While It is us..

Career/Articles 2022.02.03

10 Things You Must Learn in Your 20s. Don't Make The Same Mistakes I Did

I blew $50,000 on a Range Rover. I abused steroids. I was arrested three times. If I could take it all back now, I wouldn't but don't make the same mistakes I did. 1) Go to therapy Damn, do we drag our baggage through life if we don't check it at the gate? It's always amazing how much our early development childhood sets the stage for the rest of our lives. You will reply to the same basic patte..

Career/Articles 2022.01.30