영단어 앱테크 어플 (하루 10분 100원 적립 가능!)
캐시보카 - 돈버는 영단어 앱테크
단어를 맞추면 1캐시가 적립돼요. 적립된 캐시는 네이버 포인트로 전환할 수 있어요.
안녕하세요. 오픽시험을 준비했던 예상 질문, 답변들을 포스팅합니다.
오픽 준비하시는 분들께 도움이 되었으면 합니다.
Background survey
오픽 시험을 볼 때, 사전 설문조사를 진행합니다. 설문조사에서 선택한 내용에 맞추어서 시험 문제가 출제됩니다. 그래서, 설문조사에서 비슷한 내용을 선택해서 전략적으로 시험에 응하는 것이 중요해요!
저는 아래처럼 선택했습니다.
1. 일 경험 없음.
2. 학생 아님. 졸업 후 5년 이상
3. 독신자로서 개인주택이나 아파트먼트 거주
4. 영화보기, 해변가기, 공원가기, 카페/커피전문점에 가기, TV시청하기
5. 독서, 음악 감상하기
6. 조깅, 걷기, 운동을 전혀 하지 않음.
7. 국내여행, 해외여행
오픽은 총 14문제가 출제됩니다. 1~9번은 1개 주제에 대한 질문이 3개씩 출제됩니다. 예를 들어, 독서 관련된 문제 3개, 공원 관련된 문제 3개, 카페 관련된 문제 3개. 이렇게 말이죠.
1~3번: 1개 주제에 대한 질문세트
4~6번: 1개 주제에 대한 질문세트
7~9번: 1개 주제에 대한 질문세트
10번: 롤플레잉
11번: 롤플레잉에서 문제 발생했을 경우 대안을 제시하는 롤플레잉
12~14: 돌발 문제
오픽은 영어를 잘하는 것도 중요하지만, 쉬운 영단어와 문장을 쓰더라도 나의 생각을 효과적으로 간결하게 전달하는 것이 중요합니다.
대답을 할 때 두괄식으로 아래의 3가지 내용을 30초 안에 설명을 하면 더 좋은 점수를 받을 수 있습니다.
오픽 꿀팁은 이 포스팅을 참고해주세요.
- 어떤 이야기를 할건지
- 어떤 감정을 느꼈는지
- 왜 그렇게 느꼈는지
선택한 주제에 대한 예상 질문 & 대답
오픽은 수천개의 질문 중에서 시험마다 다른 질문들이 나오기 때문에 예상 질문에 대한 '스크립트'를 준비하는 것은 큰 의미가 없습니다.
그렇지만, 각 주제(집, 재활용, 공원 등)에 대해서 어떤 키워드를 위주로 미리 고민하고 작문을 하는 것은 분명 도움이 될 거에요!
질문이 약간씩은 다르게 나와도, 어쨌든 그 질문안에서 내가 준비한 대답으로 이끌어가면서 대답하면 되거든요!
3. Home
Q. What do you usually do at home? 또는 What do you do in your weekdays and weekend?
=> keyword: study English, get a job, OPIc
(MP)Well, you know, nowadays, I prepare for the job and study English at home regardless of weekdays or weekends. Especially I studied English to get an English speaking certificate like OPIc
(Feeling)It is so hard for me. you know, but I'm interested the English because I realize that my English ability is getting better.
(Why)but, a lot of companies in Korea require an English-speaking certificate. I think, if you want to get a job in korea, you must be good at English.
This is why I study English these days.
Q. Tell me about the house lived in when you were child. What are the differences from the house you live in now? Q. Tell me about some furniture you had when you were a child. How are the funiture you have now differnet from the furniture you had back then?
=> keyword: bunk bed, interested
(MP) Um... you know, when I was in elementary shcool, there was a bunk bed in my room.
(Feeling) And un, you know what, actually, I really loved this bunk bed.
(Why) because it was very interesting furniture for the children!
Then, um, I used my bedroom with my sister, ah, it was not MY bedroom, it was OUR bedroom. and, my bed was in the second floor. So I have to step up to sleep in every night, and um you know. this process was really interesting for me. because you know back then, I was a just child!
But, now, I live alone and there is only one bed in my house, and just first floor. there is no second floor!
It is the biggest difference between the past house with now.
Q. Tell me about your house. What is your favorite place in your house?
=> keyword: studio type apartment, bed, texture
Well, okay, let me say about my apartment. It was a very very tiny little apartment.
there is only one room like studio type!
But, I love my house and my place so much.
And um, I wanna say about my bed. it is the best place in my house. because the texture of the blanket is really soft! you know, Wow, how can I explain this texture? uh?
And then, because of the texture, I can't wake up early every morning. The blanket will not let me wake up!
I love the blanket!
This is why I love the bed in my house.
Q. Tell me about some problems you have experienced in your house.
=> keyword: elevator, walking, healthier
I think, you know, I have a great story about this question.
(MP) The house which I live in now is on 5 floors of the apartment. Yeah, it is no problem, but, you know, there is no elevator in the apartment.
you feel right?
The problem is, I have to walk up the stairs for 5 floors whenever I go out and in! How about hard..
(Feeling) When I first moved into this house, it was so hard to go outside. it was not easy.
And um, you know, I live in this house for 1 year, and then now, I get very strong stamina because of the stairs.
The building without an elevator makes me more strong.
Q. Tell me about a piece of furniture in your house. what does it look like? what is so special about it?
Q. Tell me about a problem you had with your furniture. Maybe something was broken or something was ripped or had a stain.
Q. (Role playing) You want to buy a piece of furniture for your house. Ask the sales person at the furniture store 3 or 4 questions about the furniture you want to buy.
Q. Compare the movies today to movies you watched when you were a child. How have movies changed over the years? Tell me the similarities and differences between them.
=> keyword: computer graphics technology, actor, old
(MP)Alright, I think, The biggest difference thing is the Computer graphics technology in the movie.
sometimes, I'm really impressed by the Computer graphics technology. especially in the science movie.
In the past, I think, you know, it is just my opinion, The computer graphics technology in the movies was not natural. for example the terminator.
But, you know, nowadays, The movie looks 100% real.
I think, the technology has been very advanced over the 20 years!
By the way, the actors are not older than past! just same! Why am I only the one getting old?
Q. What issues about movies do you talk about with your friends or your family members these days? What are they and why are they big issues?
=> keyword: COVID-19, dangerous, OTT services
and um.. I think, oh I know the great issue about the movie.
(MP)As you may already know, because of the COVID-19, people are starting to don't go to the movie theater.
(Feeling) you know, my friend and I don't go to movie theaters too. We think it is a little dangerous.
Instead, we use the OTT app services like Netflix, Watcha, or Disney. I feel these are more convenient than movie theaters. The OTT services make my bed my own movie theater. And also, It is really safe!
Q. Tell me about a beach you like to go to. Where is it? What does it look like? How often do you go to the beach?
=> keyword: Dae Cheon, mud-festival, fantastic, awesome
(MP) I would say about Daecheon Beach.
(Feeling) I think It is an awesome beach in Korea! If you travel in Korea, you must go to there!
(Why) I went to the Daecheon beach every year in the summertime because there is a mud festival in summertime!
It is really funny and interesting. A lot of people enjoy the festival. there are delicious food, amazing game, people, and a dance party!
I recommend again, if you travel to Korea in the summertime, you must go to Daecheon! It will be an awesome experience.
Q. Tell me about a beach you recently went to. What did it look like? What did you like about the beach?
=> keyword: Daecheon, winter sea, peace
(MP) I went to Daecheon beach last weekend with my friend.
(Feeling) As I told you, the Dae Cheon is a very fantastic beach in the summertime, but you know, it is also great in the winter season.
(Why) If you go to Daecheon in the winter season, you are able to a very quiet sea without noise. When I look at the sea without any thought, It makes me so peaceful. you can feel a stable emotion and feel relaxed
And you can also enjoy winter fish sushi!
Q. Tell me about a memorable trip to a beach. Where did you go? What did you do there? What made it so memorable?
=> keyword: Jeju island, hangover,
Q. (Role playing) Your friend wants to go to a park this weekend and invited you to go together. Call your friend and ask 3 or 4 questions about your friend’s plan.
=> time, transportation, launch
Q. Tell me about a memorable experience you had at a park. What happened and why was it memorable to you, also how did you deal with the situation.
Q. Why do you usually go to the coffee shop? What do you usually do at the coffee shop?
Q. What's your favorite caffe?
TV show
Q. What is your favorite book or writer?
=> keyword: 이영도, novel, dragon laza, fantasy,
Q. When do you usually read a book?
=> before I sleep, on the bed, about 30 minutes
Q. What is your Favorite song or musician?
Q. When do you usually listen to music?
Q. When did you first become interested in listening to music?
Q. What kind of music did you listen to music when you were a child?
Q. What type of music do you like listening to? Who is your favorite singer or composer?
Q. When and where do you listen to music? Do you listen to the radio? Or do you go to concert?
Q. When did you first become interested in listening to music? What kind of music did you listen to when you were a child? How has your interest in music changed over time?
6. Joggin, walking
7. Travel
Q. Describe your domestic travel, city, or else.
Q. trip you when your childhood, where did you go? who did you go with? what did you go there?
Q. unexpected or unforgettable things while you were traveling.
Q. Have you ever had a problem while planning for a trip? What was the problem? And how did you solve the problem?
Q. Tell me about your first trip abroad.
Q. Tell me about a memorable experience you had while traveling abroad.
Q. Tell me about a memorable experience you had during an appointment. Was it unexpected? What happened? And how did you deal with the situation?
Q. Tell me about your first trip abroad. Where did you go? And who did you go with? What did you do there?
Q. Tell me about a memorable or unforgettable experience you had while traveling abroad. What happened and why was the experience memorable?
Q. Transporation problem Q. Sometimes riding a subway or bus can be uncomfortable, have you ever had any problems while taking public transportation?
=> keyword: subway, interview, brake engineering problem
- Well, I would say about the terrible interview day because of the subway problem. (할 이야기)
- I was so very angry and annoying then, (감정)
- because when I took a second line subway in seoul to go interview place, the subway was stopping for 20 minutes! I could not do anything in the situation, so actually I was late for the job interview schedule. (이유)
Um, you know, Last year, I got a chance an internship in an IT company. so, I had to go interview. well, On the interview day, I thought I had to take a subway because the subway is worked really regularly on time. So, I took the second line in green. it was good. I felt the time was enough to arrive at the interview place. But, suddenly, the subway was stopped because of a brake engineering problem for about 20 minutes. As a result, I was late the interview time, I had to apologize! It was a very annoying experience of transportation.
Q. Tell me about transportation in your country. What types of transportation do people use? Q. What kind of transportation do you use to get around? Do you use public transportation? Or do you drive?
=> keyword: subway, Seoul, everywhere
Season, whether
Q. What is the season in your country? Which season do you favorite?
=> keyword: spring, flower, happy
alight. there is a four-season in Korea. And um, the four-season are had really different weather, so we are able to feel the seasons each.
(MP) And, you know, especially I would say the spring season which is my favorite season. (할 이야기)
(Feeling)) I really love the spring season and the weather. right? (감정)
(Why) because when spring is coming, the flowers are bloom anywhere. I like to see flowers very much. (이유)
Um, from I was a child, I was starting to love the flower. When I see the flower, I feel happy. I don't know why I feel the emotion exactly, but you know just happy. The flowers make me smile. And then, you know what, In the spring season, we are able to find flowers anywhere, right? on road, in the park, anywhere! So, if I go outside, i can find a lot of flowers all day. well, I am so happy for a day.
This is why I really love the spring season among the fours season in Korea.
Q. What weather today?
=> keyword: snow, February, Korea, cold, freezing
Well, today's date is Feb 7, and In Korea, you know, February is winter.
Today the weather is so really cold. It is freezing outside! I can't explain how cold outside is.
Furthermore, wow, can you believe it? Now, the snow is coming a lot.
Q. I like to know what people in your country do in their free time. What activities do people do? And how do they spend their free time?
Q. How have the ways you spend your free time changed over the years? What did you do when you had free time in the past? And what do you do when you have free time now?
Q. Tell me about the last time you had free time? When was it? And what did you do? Who did you spend the time with?
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